Friday, 24 June 2011

Ink Removal Thumbs Up

Generally we buy a printer to take printouts, but here is a concept that believes in the reverse process removing ink from the printed-paper! Akin to the idea of a dermatologist laser-burning blemishes and dark spots from your skin, the Ink

Remover Printer proposes to do something similar; zap out the ink using laser technology. This way yu can reuse the old memos to print new ones, recycle paper and feel good about it. Anda patut thumbs up untuk teknologi sekacak begini.


  1. takkan singgah je..
    camping sekali lak kak..

  2. @inugami... serius benda ni ink removable?? coolio~ double thumbs up! btw...bagi menjawab soalan inugami di shout box blog saye... saye still study.. ^^ chilling and lepaking~

  3. semard!nk tengok pic blogger?caricari, har har har
